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Ladies, come fellowship the first Saturday morning of each month from 10:00-11:30am. You will get to know each other and find ways of ministering in the life of the church.
  • ​​Worship in song, Word and service.

  • You will hear a Biblical message challenging you to become more like Christ.

  • Children's Church is available during the Sermon.


We support local, US, World Ministries and Missionaries

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Emphasis on Missions the second Sunday of each month


Our offerings enable them to take the gospel around the globe.

Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge

BGMC is the missions education program for all kids in the Assemblies of God. BGMC equips kids to know, to care, to pray, to give, and to reach the lost. We have a two-fold purpose, to reach the children of the world and to create a heart of compassion in kids.
Speed the Light

​​ Speed the Light is the student-initiated, volunteer, charitable program that provides much-needed equipment to missionaries across the nation and in over 180 countries around the world.

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